Jill & Colleen

Real World Classrooms

Student engagement has to be deeper than simply a desire to please the teacher. When the stakes are higher, we see students perform better and with more effort. Opportunities abound with online publication of writing or art — or even the tried and true science fair with outside judges. It can be a lot of…

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Action and Expression

In addition to presenting content to students, there are many flexible ways to allow students to present the content back to the teacher. Opening the door to adaptive technology and adaptive measurements can be a game changer for many smart kids who struggle with the typical process.

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Mindset of Universal Design

Universal Design is not a methodology, but instead it is a mindset or awareness. Many teachers are practicing it in some forms. Representation is a great example, as teachers consider how a variety of students will perceive content differently — whether it is the lesson itself, the homework or basic instruction.

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